Analyzing Sentiment of Text Skip to main content

Analyzing Sentiment of Text


For: General Use

This prompt describes how to analyze the sentiment (or attitude) of any given text. In the prompt, "Text Here" should contain the desired text that will be analyzed. Additional specifications can also be added.


Analyze the sentiment of the following text: "Text Here".

Sample Output

Sample output will follow the prompt specifications. Below is a sample output when the given text was the following bulleted list.

  • "The assignments are graded very harshly."
  • "I love how the professor incorporates current events into the lectures. It makes the material so relevant."
  • "The class is too early in the morning for me."


Here’s the sentiment analysis of each statement:

  1. "The assignments are graded very harshly.
    • Sentiment: Negative
    • Reasoning: The word "harshly" implies dissatisfaction or frustration with how the assignments are graded, suggesting a negative experience.
  2. "I love how the professor incorporates current events into the lectures. It makes the material so relevant."
    • Sentiment: Positive
    • Reasoning: The words "love" and "relevant" indicate that the speaker appreciates this aspect of the class and finds it engaging.
  3. "The class is too early in the morning for me.
    • Sentiment: Negative
    • Reasoning: The phrase "too early" suggests discomfort or difficulty, indicating a negative sentiment about the class timing.

In summary, the text contains a mix of sentiments: two negative statements and one positive statement.