Creating a Meeting Agenda Skip to main content

Creating a Meeting Agenda


For: General Use

This prompt describes how to create a meeting agenda with specific discussion points. In the prompt, "Discussion Points Here" should contain a list of the points you are hoping to address in the meeting, such as 'Q4 budget, end of year bonuses, additional items'. Additional specifications can also be added.


Create a meeting agenda with the following key action items as discussion points: 
"Discussion Points". Estimate how long each agenda item will take so that the meeting stays
on schedule.   

Sample Output

Sample output will follow the prompt specifications. Below is a sample output when the discussion points were designated as "Q4 budget, end of year bonuses, additional items". Additional clarification was given to estimate the time of each discussion point so that the meeting stays on time.

Meeting Agenda

Date: [Insert Date]
Time: [Insert Time]
Location: [Insert Location]
Facilitator: [Insert Facilitator Name]
Attendees: [List of Attendees]

1. Welcome and Opening Remarks

  • Time: 5 minutes
  • Purpose: Welcome attendees, review the purpose of the meeting, and outline the key action items to be discussed.

2. Q4 Budget Review

  • Time: 20 minutes
  • Discussion Points:
    • Review of Q4 budget allocations and expenditures
    • Identify any variances or potential budget adjustments
    • Finalize any last-minute changes before end-of-quarter
  • Outcome: Ensure clarity on current budget status and next steps for closing out Q4.

3. End-of-Year Bonuses

  • Time: 25 minutes
  • Discussion Points:
    • Criteria and performance reviews for bonuses
    • Budget constraints and available funds for bonuses
    • Timeline and process for distributing bonuses to employees
  • Outcome: Agreement on bonus structure and timeline for disbursement.

4. Additional Items

  • Time: 10 minutes
  • Discussion Points:
    • Open floor for any additional items not covered in the key agenda points
    • Follow-up on any outstanding action items from previous meetings
  • Outcome: Address any unresolved issues or miscellaneous topics.

5. Next Steps and Closing Remarks

  • Time: 5 minutes
  • Discussion Points:
    • Review of action items and responsibilities
    • Confirm next meeting date (if needed)
    • Final comments and meeting adjournment

Total Meeting Time: 65 minutes
Note: Please ensure that discussions stay within the allocated time to keep the meeting on schedule.